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Being a lone ranger when traveling has its own set of perks. You have absolute freedom, so you can go splurge or stay on a shoestring budget without raising eyebrows. But there are also a set of pitfalls, common mistakes that solo travelers often make. Check them out before you embark on a solo flight.

Not saving money on hostels

The hostel’s rate is per person and not for each room. So if you are staying in a room made to accommodate two persons, then you would have to pay twice than the actual rate of a solo room.

Looking for cheaper solo supplement charges

Flying solo comes with a price, and most of its prices usually come from the extra charge of traveling alone. Solo travelers experience this when they are paying for hotel rooms, cruises, and tours. Look for companies that give good value to those who travel alone.

Carrying a little bit of extra

Solo travelers often have the urge to pack too much because they think that they need more things in case something happens. Resist this urge. Bringing extra baggage would not only feel heavy on your backs but also in your pockets.

Not taking the extra precaution

Traveling solo is fun and relaxing, but it also comes with a certain danger. Criminals tend to prey on solo travelers because they are more vulnerable. Avoid creating an impression you’re on your own and try to blend in as much as possible.

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Scheduling travel for late nights or early mornings

Another mistake that new solo travelers commit is taking the late night and early morning flights to have a cheaper airfare. Remember, you are in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people around you. If this happens to you or you chose to have that flight, make sure that you made arrangements to a person you can rely on to wait for you and provide escort.

Becoming too trusting

Usually, people who want to manipulate you sometimes tend to be the friendliest of people. Use caution when this happens. Illegal businesses tend to send out scouts to bring in new customers, and they do this by making friends with unknowing tourists. There are cases wherein drinks were spike and have the victims wake up with all of their money gone. Not to say that you should not have friends in a foreign land, but just be careful.

Drinking above alcohol tolerance

Public drunkenness results in many fines and penalties around the world, some even more severe than others. You will also have your judgment clouded, thus putting yourself in a dangerous position where strangers are concerned. Veteran solo travelers tend to approach the host, or the concierge makes arrangements to have them safely back to their hotels when closing time arrives. Having someone who has your back in a foreign land is always a good thing. However, prevention is better than cure. Thus, we advise you to have your own designated driver and try to keep yourself sober for the rest of the night.

Not having a backup plan

People who prefer solo trips might not have other options if plan A doesn’t pan out. For example, the restaurant doesn’t accept credit cards, and you ran out of cash. Therefore, as a solo traveler, be prepared with alternatives. Also, inform your bank that you’re traveling on certain countries, so it won’t block transactions with suspicion of fraud or hacking.


Traveling on your own has its own set of benefits. But it also entails risks and reduce hazards when traveling with at least one companion. Planning on a solo trip likely takes more time to plan, and hopefully, by doing this, a traveler will reap the corresponding advantages of being a solo traveler.