Fall foliage, a vibrant tapestry of gold, amber, and scarlet, painted the earth magnificently. With each blast of wind, the leaves rustle, dancing gracefully before gently sinking to the earth.

The sun shines through the branches, creating a pleasant glow in the landscape. The air has a nostalgic aroma of fallen leaves, and the crunch beneath your feet heralds the season’s coming. Nature’s brilliance catches hearts in this ephemeral show, reminding us of the fleeting yet captivating beauty that graces our existence.


  • Stowe: A charming town known for its picturesque landscapes and iconic covered bridges.
  • Burlington: Located on Lake Champlain, this vibrant city offers urban amenities and stunning fall foliage views.
  • Woodstock: A quaint village known for its historic charm and beautiful foliage, surrounded by rolling hills and farms.
Fall foliage in White Mountains Forest in New Hampshire
Fall foliage in White Mountains Forest in New Hampshire

New Hampshire

  • White Mountains: Majestic peaks and scenic drives make this region a fall foliage paradise.
  • Kancamagus Highway: A scenic byway renowned for its breathtaking views of autumn colors and access to hiking trails.
  • Monadnock Region: Home to Mount Monadnock, this area offers diverse foliage and outdoor recreational opportunities.


  • Acadia National Park: Coastal beauty combines with vibrant fall foliage in this iconic national park.
  • Bar Harbor: A popular destination with stunning coastal scenery and charming streets adorned with fall colors.
  • Portland: Maine’s largest city with a lively waterfront, historic architecture, and nearby foliage-rich parks.


  • Berkshires: A picturesque region with rolling hills, charming towns, and renowned cultural attractions amidst fall foliage.
  • Cape Cod: Beautiful beaches, coastal charm, and pockets of colorful foliage make Cape Cod a unique fall destination.
  • Mohawk Trail: A scenic drive through the Berkshire Mountains, offering panoramic views of fall foliage.
Adirondack Peak autumn foliage in upstate New York along the Ausable River.
Adirondack Peak autumn foliage in upstate New York along the Ausable River.

New York

  • Adirondack Mountains: A vast wilderness with towering peaks, tranquil lakes, and stunning autumn colors.
  • Hudson Valley is known for its historic estates, wineries, and vibrant fall foliage along the Hudson River.
  • Finger Lakes: Famous for its vineyards and deep, glacial lakes, this region offers fall foliage vistas and outdoor activities.


  • Litchfield Hills: Rolling hills, picturesque farms, and charming villages create a scenic backdrop for fall foliage.
  • Mystic: A coastal town with a historic seaport and scenic beauty that extends to its surrounding areas.
  • Hartford: Connecticut’s capital city, offering urban amenities alongside parks and gardens with beautiful fall foliage.


  • Pocono Mountains: A popular destination for outdoor activities surrounded by stunning fall foliage in the autumn months.
  • Allegheny National Forest: An expansive forest with diverse tree species, offering breathtaking fall foliage displays.
  • Bucks County: Historic towns, covered bridges, and rural landscapes adorned with colorful autumn foliage.


  • Aspen: Renowned for its golden aspen trees, this mountain town offers an enchanting fall foliage experience.
  • Rocky Mountain National Park: A natural gem with alpine landscapes, hiking trails, and vibrant fall colors.
  • Telluride: Nestled in a box canyon, this picturesque town provides a stunning backdrop for fall foliage adventures.
Country road in Michigan draped in autumn colors.
Country road in Michigan draped in autumn colors.


  • Upper Peninsula: Vast forests, stunning lakeshores, and scenic drives make the Upper Peninsula a fall foliage haven.
  • Traverse City: Known for its cherry orchards and wineries, this coastal city boasts vibrant fall colors along its countryside.
  • Mackinac Island: A charming island with no motor vehicles, offering idyllic fall foliage views and a quaint atmosphere.

North Carolina

  • Blue Ridge Parkway: A scenic road winding through the Blue Ridge Mountains, showcasing breathtaking fall foliage.
  • Asheville: Known for its vibrant arts scene and surrounded by the Blue Ridge Mountains, offering stunning autumn landscapes.
  • Great Smoky Mountains National Park: A UNESCO World Heritage Site with diverse foliage, waterfalls, and wildlife.


  • Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Extending from North Carolina, this park offers stunning foliage views and abundant wildlife.
  • Gatlinburg: Nestled at the entrance of the Smoky Mountains, this mountain town provides access to beautiful fall foliage trails.
  • Chattanooga: Situated along the Tennessee River and surrounded by mountains, this city offers scenic fall foliage vistas.


  • Shenandoah National Park: Spanning the Blue Ridge Mountains, this park provides panoramic views of vibrant fall foliage.
  • Blue Ridge Parkway: Extending into Virginia, this scenic byway offers breathtaking views of autumn colors.
  • Charlottesville: Known for its rich history and vineyards, this city is surrounded by picturesque fall foliage landscapes.


  • Door County: A scenic peninsula surrounded by Lake Michigan, known for its charming towns and vibrant fall foliage.
  • Lake Geneva: A resort town with a beautiful lake, stately mansions, and stunning fall foliage in its surrounding areas.
  • Kettle Moraine State Forest: Offering diverse landscapes, this forest showcases colorful foliage, hiking trails, and scenic drives.


  • Columbia River Gorge: A stunning river canyon with numerous waterfalls and lush forests displaying vibrant fall foliage.
  • Mount Hood: An iconic volcanic peak surrounded by forests, alpine lakes, and charming fall foliage landscapes.
  • Bend: Located in central Oregon, this vibrant city is a gateway to outdoor adventures and fall foliage viewing.


  • Olympic National Park is a diverse park encompassing mountains, rainforests, and coastal areas with fall foliage displays.
  • North Cascades National Park: Majestic peaks, glaciers, and pristine lakes complement the vibrant fall colors in this park.
  • Leavenworth: A Bavarian-themed town in the Cascade Mountains, offering a unique fall foliage experience.

How to make the most of the fall foliage viewing experience

  1. Make a timetable: Find out when the foliage is at its peak in your selected location. It’s better to go in the middle to late fall when the colors are at their peak.
  2. Choose beautiful routes: Take picturesque drives in places noted for their stunning fall colors, such as designated fall foliage routes or winding country roads.
  3. Hiking trails: Put on your hiking boots and head out into nature. Hiking trails frequently take you through woods and mountains, allowing you to get up close and personal with the bright greenery.
  4. Visit national parks and forests: National parks and forests are excellent places to experience the splendor of fall leaves. Discover scenic views by hiking paths, vistas, and picnic places.
  5. Consider waterways: Lakes, rivers, and coasts can all help to enhance your fall foliage experience. Rent a kayak or boat excursion to experience the hues reflected in the water.
  6. Investigate local events: During the autumn season, many localities host fall festivals, farmers markets, or craft fairs. Attend these events to enjoy the festive atmosphere while surrounded by vibrant greenery.
  7. Climb to higher elevations: For panoramic views of large landscapes covered with beautiful fall colors, climb to higher vistas, mountaintops, or observation decks.
  8. Bring your camera: Use your camera or smartphone to capture the splendor of fall leaves. To bring out the colors and textures, experiment with different angles, lighting, and focus lengths.
  9. Participate in outdoor activities such as biking, horseback riding, or scenic train journeys. These activities allow you to enjoy the fall scenery while also having an adventure.
  10. Stay informed: Check local foliage reports, weather forecasts, and park websites for the most up-to-date information on foliage conditions and special activities in the region.