Our description of these annoying flight passengers or seatmates may vary depending on how we define annoying airplane seatmates. But having experienced more than just a few long-haul flights that demand great patience, we bring you these awful characters above 40,000 feet.

The Cry Babies

Even at the departure gate, you can simply tell if your flight is pleasant (you can sleep easily) or a long and restless one by observing strollers around.

Crying babies often refer to crying infants who wail in the middle of the flight when their diapers get wet or look for milk, but they can also refer to whining passengers who can always find something wrong, from a malfunctioning inflight entertainment system to an awful meal.

The Noisy Party

With a big company of friends or family members, these individuals are confident they can make fun of anything and expect laughter from their companions. They can be loud and boisterous, with little or no regard to their seatmates.

Sometimes they are a football team on an economy budget, a tour group of elderly guests or students on a spring break who are new to flying and hide their fear and anxiety with their cocky behavior.


The Lonely and Restless.

This may refer to solitary passengers who could not make up their minds on what to do. At one point, they take their laptop and appear busy with pending Excel reports or PowerPoint presentations. The next thing you notice is they bring out their book or iPhone.

After a little while, they are seen nibbling peanuts while poring over the inflight magazine. That’s understandable for solo travelers only if their constant motion doesn’t attract attention and distract fellow passengers.

No wonder they are traveling alone.

The Bladder Brother.

George Costanza was quoted in Seinfeld’s reading in medical journals that letting go in the shower without the need to head to the toilet at the end of the hall helps avoid getting kidney problems.

This might be exactly in the mind of our seatmate seated at the window but it wakes you up as he or she regularly pays a visit to the toilet every 20 minutes. We would have been okay to agree to switch seats to accommodate their bladder requirements.

The Sugar-dosed Kids

Kids overloaded with a sugar diet and deprived of gadgets that sedate them into the corner are often a nuisance to other passengers as they run, poke and scream around in the middle of an otherwise quiet flight.

Parents who are used (or helpless) to their unruly behavior don’t seem to mind them. But when one passenger reminds them to stay still and be quiet, the parents are quick to do a rebuttal, “Hey, mind your own business!”

The Seat Recliner

This passenger insists on fully reclining their seat, making it impossible for the person behind them to work, eat or even move comfortably. This can be particularly frustrating on long-haul flights where passengers are already cramped for space.

Reclining your seat is your right as a passenger, but it’s important to be considerate of others around you and to check behind you before reclining.

The Loud Talker

This passenger talks loudly on their phone or to their traveling companion, disregarding the peace of other passengers. This can be particularly disruptive on overnight or early morning flights when other passengers are trying to sleep. It’s important to be aware of your volume and to use headphones if you want to listen to music or watch a movie.

The Aisle Hog

This passenger insists on standing in the aisle, blocking the way of others trying to get to their seats or use the restroom. This can cause delays and frustration for other passengers who need to get past them. It’s important to be aware of your surroundings and to step aside when someone needs to pass.

The Overhead Bin Hoarder

This passenger brings excessive carry-on luggage and takes up more than their fair share of overhead bin space. This can be frustrating for other passengers who need to stow their own luggage, and can cause delays during boarding and disembarking.

Packing your luggage efficiently and bringing only what you need so everyone has a fair chance at overhead bin space.

The Smelly Food Eater

This passenger brings strong-smelling food on board and eats it without any consideration for those around them. This can be particularly unpleasant on long flights where passengers are trapped in a confined space.

It’s important to be considerate of others and to choose food that won’t create strong odors.

The Armrest Hog

This passenger takes over both armrests, leaving their neighbors with nowhere to place their arms. This can be particularly uncomfortable on long flights with passengers cramped for space. It’s important to share the armrests and to be aware of your neighbors’ comfort.

The Chatty Cathy

This passenger starts conversations with strangers, even when they clearly don’t want to engage. This can be particularly annoying when passengers try to sleep or relax on overnight or early morning flights. It’s important to respect others’ boundaries and to be aware of their desire for privacy.

The Drunkard

This passenger drinks excessively, causing a disturbance and potentially endangering themselves and others on board. This can be particularly dangerous in the event of an emergency. It’s important to drink responsibly and to know your limits.

The Bathroom Hog

This passenger spends excessive time in the airplane bathroom, causing a backlog for others who need to use it. This can be particularly frustrating on long flights where passengers frequently need to use the restroom.

It’s important to be aware of the needs of others and to use the restroom efficiently.

The Window Shade Raiser

This passenger raises the window shade without any consideration for those around them, blinding other passengers with bright sunlight or ruining their in-flight entertainment. This can be particularly annoying on long flights where passengers are trying to sleep or watch a movie. It’s important to be aware of your surroundings and to be considerate of others.

The Rear Seat Kicker

This passenger constantly kicks the back of the seat in front of them, causing annoyance and discomfort to the passenger in front. This behavior can be particularly frustrating on long flights where passengers are already struggling to find comfort. It’s important to be aware of your movements and to keep your feet still during the flight.

The Inattentive Parents

These passengers allow their children to run wild, scream and kick other passengers’ seats. This behavior can be particularly disruptive on long flights where passengers are trying to sleep or work. It’s important to be aware of your children’s behavior and keep them calm during the flight.

The Aromatic Passenger

This passenger brings a strong odor with them onto the plane, making it unpleasant for others to breathe. This can be particularly uncomfortable on long flights where passengers are already trapped in a confined space. It’s important to be aware of your personal hygiene and to avoid strong perfumes or colognes that may cause discomfort to others.

The Boozer

This passenger drinks excessively and becomes loud, obnoxious and potentially dangerous on the flight. This behavior can be particularly problematic in an emergency, and can cause discomfort and disruption for other passengers. It’s important to drink responsibly and to know your limits.

The Queue Jumper

This passenger tries to cut in front of other passengers in line, causing frustration and delays. This behavior can be particularly problematic during boarding and disembarking and cause tension among passengers. It’s important to be patient and to wait your turn in line.

The Playboy

This passenger makes inappropriate and unwelcome advances towards other passengers or flight attendants. This behavior can be particularly uncomfortable and distressing for the targeted individuals, and can cause a disturbance on the flight. It’s important to respect others’ boundaries and to refrain from engaging in inappropriate behavior.

The Undresser

This passenger removes articles of clothing or shoes, causing discomfort and disgust to other passengers. This behavior can be inappropriate and unsanitary and make others uncomfortable. Maintaining a level of decency and cleanliness on the flight is essential.

The Seat Switcher

This passenger tries to switch seats without permission or causes a disturbance by insisting on a specific seat. This behavior can be particularly frustrating and disruptive, and can cause delays and confusion during boarding. It’s important to follow the flight crew’s instructions and be considerate of other passengers.

The Backseat Grabber

This passenger touches or grabs the seat in front of them, causing discomfort and annoyance to the passenger in front. This behavior can be intrusive and unwelcome, making the other passenger feel unsafe. It’s essential to keep your hands to yourself and to be aware of your actions on the flight.

The Audio Insensitive

This passenger plays music or movies at a loud volume or talks on the phone without using headphones, causing a disturbance and annoyance to other passengers. This behavior can be particularly disruptive during overnight or early morning flights when other passengers are trying to sleep. It’s important to be aware of your volume and to use headphones if you want to listen to music or watch a movie.

While we all get excited about an upcoming holiday, such mishaps in the middle of the flight can define our behavior once we land at our destination.